Vuelta Management provides the experience and knowledge
to make your projects succeed.


Whether your firm is striving to capitalize on opportunity, working to optimize operations or is struggling to overcome crisis, Vuelta Management Group collaborates with you, providing leadership, expertise, and a framework for ongoing success.

Vuelta Management Group
interim management and consulting services

We help our clients improve efficiency and achieve excellence by providing expert assistance to manage mission-critical projects, improve core operational processes, and turn crisis into opportunity.

Assess.  plan.  execute.  succeed.


Project Management

Our guidance brings clarity
to the overall project scope and provides a framework
for defining the specific actions needed to complete the project efficiently,
on time and on budget.

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Operational Excellence

Ready to create success?
PDCA, Lean Six Sigma,
Value Chain Improvements.
Heck, we'll even do a
Spaghetti Diagram at lunch.
Contact us so we can
help get you there. 

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Vuelta Management uses a structured, process-driven approach to help business leaders overcome
unexpected, fast-moving challenges that accompany corporate distress.

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